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Sound, Belonging & Wholeness waiting list

With Leah Hokanson and Lynette Jackson

Open Dates


The year is 2021. Our world, constrained by a pandemic, has become ever more “connected” via the internet. Yet many of us have never felt more lonely and isolated, as if we don’t belong. Quantum Theory teaches us about the unified field, that everything is connected through vibrating, pulsating energy, and yet humanity has never seemed more fragmented and polarized.

What is going on?

Physicist and philosopher David Bohm, in his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, writes about “the subtle but crucial role of our general forms of thinking in sustaining fragmentation and in defeating our deepest urges toward wholeness….” This statement begs the question: is how we are thinking—driven by language, and amplified by speech—keeping us in a crisis of separation? Are we literally talking ourselves out of living in wholeness?

There is another voice, another call, that is both Universal and deeply personal. Sound, Belonging and Wholeness is about learning to listen to that voice. It is an exploration of what it means to belong in the deepest sense—as the loving Presence we all are. In Presence we belong to the Whole: the Universe, the sun, the moon, the earth, our human and more-than-human communities, and each other. And we belong to ourselves.

Sound, Belonging and Wholeness invites you to reimagine what it means to belong, using your own unique sound—your voice— as a vibratory “welcome mat” to Wholeness. Together we will explore natural vocal sound-making meditations, exercises, and focused listening practices, all designed to help you experience the innate Wholeness that you are. No external vocal training is required to fully engage in this process, simply the willingness to explore, with non-judgmental curiosity, your ambient soundscape and your own unique vocal instrument as portals to our innate vibrational belonging in Wholeness.

Our journey of Sound, Belonging and Wholeness affirms that our ever-evolving relationship with Wholeness is the spiritual ground upon which all other relationships come into being, grow and evolve. As we grow in awareness and acceptance of our innate belonging in Wholeness, we help set each other free: free to love ourselves, each other, and our beautiful, turbulent world. Your voice (yes, yours) is the most powerful tool you possess in allowing the full embodiment of this vibratory reality to unfold.

Sound, Belonging and Wholeness is an immersive process that draws on your own day-to-day life as the vibrational “stuff” of belonging in Wholeness. We will combine daily meditations, exercises, and daily reflections in your Listening Journal—processes designed to engage you from exactly where you are, in your own life and circumstances. As a community we will explore together a language that embraces and extends our individual experience of Wholeness into the world and beyond.


Together we will explore:

· what it means to belong to the Whole;

· how vocal sounding and listening honours, activates and amplifies our innate vibrational belonging in Wholeness;

· the difference between our vibrational reality and our “storied” reality;

· intention setting in the context of Wholeness;

· how our experiences are informed, and our relationships influenced, by the reality of Wholeness.


We provide:

· The Tuning to Wholeness Guidebook: daily meditations, exercises and activities


You provide:

· Listening Journal: for writing (sketching, painting) your reflections.




About the Leaders

Leah Hokanson

Leah Hokanson is a a life-long adventurer of sound and listening—as a classical pianist, vocalist, choral director, improviser, singer/songwriter; and now as a facilitator of programs exploring vocal sounding and listening as vibrational portals to healing and Wholeness. She lives on Gabriola Island, BC, surrounded by natural beauty, with gratitude for our community, and the […]

Learn more about Leah Hokanson

Lynette Jackson

Lynette is an adult educator, spiritual spelunker, and program 'midwife,' with over forty years’ experience helping to breathe life into budding opportunities. Gabriola has provided a sweet home base for her family for the past two decades. Lynette's early years focused on scholarship, music, and immersion in both conventional and less orthodox expressions of spirituality: initiation […]

Learn more about Lynette Jackson

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