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Maggie Ziegler

Maggie Ziegler has decades of experience a psychotherapist, specializing in the treatment of trauma. She has delivered  trauma intervention training to diverse communities, both in BC and internationally.  Maggie has a history of community involvement with environmental and social justice organizations, including providing facilitation support for team-building, conflict resolution, visioning and planning. She lives on Salt Spring Island, unceded territory of both the SENĆOŦENand Hul’qumi’num speaking Coast Salish people.

Upcoming Programs by Maggie Ziegler

Luminaries on Demand

Also With Jock McKeen, Greg Gurel, Bettina Rothe, Cathy McNally, Cathy Wilder, Dr Fred Voon, Lizanne Foster, Victoria Creighton, Bev Bagnall-Hope, Frank Hope, Jennifer Roger and Blair Stanley, Kelly Price, Kevin Wong and Peter Joyes

Open Dates
This is a recording archive of the live Lunch with Luminaries seminars that have been hosted at The Haven Online starting in 2021. This webinar series shares different perspectives on a variety of topics of interest to our community. These talks pay homage to early Haven days where co-founders Ben and Jock invited various thought leaders into conversation - sometimes they agreed with the ideas shared and sometimes they didn't.