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Jennifer Roger Blair Stanley

Jennifer Roger and Blair Stanley

Jennifer Roger BAppSc(PT), MD, CCFP and Blair Stanley BSc, MD, FCFP are rural family physicians and clinical faculty with the University of British Columbia. They bring a passionate interest in promoting personal development to their work, as they see it as fundamental to an individual’s wellness. As seasoned facilitators, they draw from a wealth of learnings and experience. Personally, Jen and Blair have each been through separation and divorce and lived as single people in their 40s before coming together as life partners. Together they lead Life after Separation and Relationships Skills for Singles, offering compassion, support and opportunity for growth through some of life’s most challenging phases.


Upcoming Programs by Jennifer Roger and Blair Stanley

Luminaries on Demand

Also With Jock McKeen, Greg Gurel, Bettina Rothe, Cathy McNally, Cathy Wilder, Dr Fred Voon, Lizanne Foster, Victoria Creighton, Maggie Ziegler, Bev Bagnall-Hope, Frank Hope, Kelly Price, Kevin Wong and Peter Joyes

Open Dates
This is a recording archive of the live Lunch with Luminaries seminars that have been hosted at The Haven Online starting in 2021. This webinar series shares different perspectives on a variety of topics of interest to our community. These talks pay homage to early Haven days where co-founders Ben and Jock invited various thought leaders into conversation - sometimes they agreed with the ideas shared and sometimes they didn't.

Journey Together: A Satir Approach to Intimate Relationships

May 22 - 26, 2025
Couples will gain a deeper understanding of themselves and each other in a safe and guided framework. They will explore together and witness family of origin issues that they bring into their relationship. They will learn about their ‘couples dance’ especially in conflict. They will learn practical tools to break down defensive patterns that will lead to deeper intimacy and healing. Dr. Jen Roger and Dr. Blair Stanley were trained in Satir Family Therapy by Maria Gamori from 2013 until her death last year. They have been in a conscious intimate relationship for the past 10 years. They have created a life committed to learning and growing together. Intimate relationship by nature creates power struggle which is the perfect landscape for growth…”we get together on the basis of our similarities; we grow on the basis of our differences”…Virginia Satir.