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琳达· 尼科尔 斯 Linda Nicholls

Linda Nicholls, DipC, 是一位長者,她在北美和國際間從事成長與轉化的團體領導工作已超過 35 年。 她是加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省加布里奧拉島海文學院的資深核心導師。 她與各個年齡層和不同文化的人密切合作,領導專注於身體、呼吸和能量等方面的訓練;有意識的呼吸;影子探索;溝通技巧;性慾;哀悼;界定界限;有意識地取代抑鬱症;審視和更新關係;引導青少年進入成年期,等等。


Linda Nicholls DipC is an elder, serving as a guide in transformational circle work for more than thirty-five years in North America and internationally.  She is Senior Faculty with The Haven Institute on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. She has worked intimately with people of all ages and several cultures leading programs that focus on body, breath and energy training; conscious breathwork; shadow exploration; communication skills; sexuality; grieving; defining boundaries; conscious alternatives to depression; reviewing and renewing relationships; guiding teens and youth into their adulthood, and more.

Website: Linda Nicholls


Upcoming Programs by 琳达· 尼科尔 斯 Linda Nicholls

记录 Recording | 友谊与超越:玛丽亚和琳达的旅程 Friendship and Beyond: Maria and Linda’s Journey

Also With 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori

Open Dates
加入我們一起來見證這場引人入勝的對話 - 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利,薩提爾模式最重要的導師之一,和麥基卓,海文學院的聯合創始人,這兩位經驗豐富的教育工作者,將在線上有一場對話分享他們所代表的這兩種成長模式。 維琴尼亞‧薩提爾(1916~1988)被譽為世上最早也是最有影響力的家庭治療師之一,但她的成就遠超於此。她與海文學院的兩位創辦人黃煥祥博士(1930~2013)以及麥基卓博士結緣於1970年代,在共同好友瑪莉亞‧葛茉利的介紹下開始他們的友誼。

加拿大海文學院探心之旅 《自我觉察精粹:活出生命熱情》Mandarin Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials

Also With 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 

June 6 - 19, 2024
The Mandarin Living Alive programs offer the unique experience of time, space, and guidance to help you (re)discover who you truly are. For 12 days, you’ll have the opportunity to create and establish new or different patterns for conscious living. In Living Alive: Self Awareness the focus is on self-awareness - becoming aware of your individual patterns of behaviour and energy. You'll learn to make more informed decisions about things that affect you, your life, and your relationships. You'll discover, transform, and release energy blockages that negatively impact your health and wellbeing.