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傑米森 Jamison Schulz-Franco

傑米森最近畢業於加拿大多倫多的瑞爾森大學。他在加拿大海文學院的經典課程『聚光燈下的孩子』和『青少年潛力甦醒』有超過十五年的參與以及實習經驗。從大學最後一年開始,傑米森希望分享他在情緒覺察上的體驗,他希望與朋友和同事之間開啟更開放並有益身心健康的對話。作為一個混血兒,傑米森堅定的倡導種族平等、公正和包容,他對人性化的連結充滿了熱情。 傑米森最近開始與加拿大維多利亞移民和難民中心工作,這是一個橫跨不列顛哥倫比亞省的反種族主義和反仇恨工作組織。

Jamison Schulz-Franco is a recent graduate of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He has over 15 years of experience as a participant and an intern in both Kids in the Spotlight and Teens Alive at the Haven. Through his final year of university and beyond, Jamison hopes to share his experience in emotional awareness programs to create a more open mental health dialogue for his friends and peers. As a mixed-race individual, Jamison is a strong advocate for racial equality, equity and inclusion, and has a passion for human connection. Jamison recently started work with the Victoria Immigration and Refugee Centre Society in the Resilience Hub – an anti-racism and anti-hate network across British Columbia, where he continues his lifelong journey of learning.
