Assistant Core Faculty
Mark Etkin
Mark Etkin MD, FRCPC, Dip C has a warm and caring manner and he loves to help to create an environment of caring, safety, and personal growth. After practicing as a GP in a community clinic, he did a psychiatry residency, and has been working in the areas of psychotherapy, body-mind integration, and working with […]
Louise Amuir LIT
Louise Amuir (she/they), Diplomas in Haven Counselling and Group Leadership is interested in creativity and expressive arts as a means to connect with self and others. Louise is committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, reconciliation, and building collaborative processes. Louise’s varied life experiences in theatre, writing, art, dance, music, working with street youth, youth in receiving and […]
Colleen Cuggy
Colleen Cuggy Dip C HGF is a passionate believer in self-responsible living and is devoted to helping others recognize their own power. The art of clear communication and a compassionate acceptance of self and others has been the foundation of Colleen's work in assisting at Haven and leading Staying Alive programs in Victoria. After a long […]
Karen Stephens
Karen Stephens DipC has a keen interest in and commitment to personal growth and education. She believes in community contribution and in transforming the world by encouraging human potential, self-responsibility, empathy and loving. Karen’s background includes marketing, project management, training and counselling. She has been associated with The Haven for more than 25 years.
Kathy Morris
Kathy Morris, RN, CPN(C), DipC I bring my many years of experience as a nurse respectfully caring for people in their most vulnerable times to my work at Haven facilitating groups. I consider myself to be naturally curious and accepting, encouraging folks to step forth. An assistant in Core Programs at the Haven, I also […]
Gisela Sartori (LIT)
Gisela Sartori, M.A., Dip.C., RCC, is a passionate group facilitator and counsellor. She is known for her engaging, direct, and inspirational leadership as well as for her warmth, sensitivity, and loving way. A Registered Clinical Counsellor with an M.A. in Community Psychology and a DipC from the Haven, she also has training in IBP, Hakomi, […]
Sue Muirhead
Sue Muirhead, Dip C, MEd, RCC is a lover of deep connection, the wild, windy world, and passionate, soulful creating of all kinds. In her practice as a counsellor she shares with individuals, couples, families and groups. She has been involved with The Haven since 1993. She is committed to sinking into the profound and […]
Christina Smith
Christina Smith Dip. C has cultivated her deep intuition and compassion in Haven programs since 2004. She draws on these qualities in her personal life and while mentoring, coaching and being in service to others. A student of Maria Gomori in the Teaching of Virginia Satir since 2010, Christina believes we are all equipped to take […]
Solanna Anderson
Solanna Anderson BA, MA, DipC is a Somatic Sex Educator who works with groups and individuals to support embodiment, consent, pleasure and intimacy skills. She is certified in Haven Counseling skills, Somatic Sex Education and Expressive Writing and her research on sexual health has been published in international peer-reviewed journals. Solanna regularly assists Come Alive […]