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记录 Recording | 成為合諧共創的生命 - 在薩提爾與海文的連結中讓生命精彩綻放 Becoming: The Satir & Haven Connection

With 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori and 麥基卓 Jock McKeen 

Open Dates

  • CAD $20.00 to CAD $40.00
  • CAD $40.00 Minimum – Contributions above the value of this recording are greatly appreciated to help support Haven during these challenging times!

[Scroll down for English translation]


在有限的時間內,我們將發布薩提爾 Satir 模式最重要的導師之一瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori 和海文學院 Haven 的聯合創始人麥基卓 Jock McKeen 之間這段引人入勝的對話。這兩位經驗豐富的教育工作者在線上討論了他們各自代表的兩種啟發生命的方法。

維琴尼亞‧薩提爾 Virginia Satir (1916~1988) 被譽為世上最早也是最有影響力的家庭治療師之一,但她的成就遠超於此。她與海文學院The Haven的兩位創辦人黃煥祥Bennet Wong博士(1930~2013)以及麥基卓Jock McKeen博士結緣於1970年代,在共同好友瑪莉亞‧葛茉利Maria Gomori的介紹下開始他們的友誼。


瑪莉亞 Maria於1974年遇到了煥祥 Ben和基卓 Jock。她最初是他們的學生,渴望學習他們新穎的方法。自此三人成為了終生的良師益友。瑪莉亞‧葛茉利Maria Gomori是當今世上最重要的薩提爾Satir模式之先驅。2021年五月她和基卓Jock以及她在海文的朋友們在線上慶祝了她101歲的生日。


Haven Co-founders and Maria Gomori during an event
黃煥祥,麥基卓,瑪莉亞‧葛茉利2010年在海文合影 Bennet Wong, Jock McKeen and Maria Gomori in 2010 at the Haven



— 維琴尼亞‧薩提爾 Virginia Satir


儘管薩提爾Satir模式和海文Haven模式之間存在著一些差異,但其基本原理是非常相似的,有時只是用不同的語言來做描述。這兩種方法都在邀請我們更深入地探究『我是誰』這個難題。對於兩者而言,通往未知世界的旅程有著許多切入點和不同維度。請加入我們一起來見證這兩位終生合作的良師益友 – 聽聽他們如何獨特地掌握了兩人畢生之鑽研以及實踐的經驗!


Haven Co-Founders with Virginia Satir at The Haven
黃煥祥,麥基卓,維琴尼亞‧薩提爾1987年在海文合影 Bennet Wong, Jock McKeen and Virginia Satir in 1987 at the Haven


『煥祥Ben和基卓Jock所創建的海文Haven是一所獨特的生命教育學校,在這個特別的地方,人們可以了解自己、學習生活以及人際關係。他們為海文Haven所開發的經驗及住宿式的課程是非常獨特的學習經驗,課程在協助人們深入且有意義地了解自己。就像維琴尼亞薩提爾Virginia Satir一樣,他們不僅是從理論上講授,他們更是從生活中的經驗來教導。』 — 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori

『海文Haven是一個特殊的地方,一個家,一個環境,​​一個擁有自然和美麗的容器,人們可以在課堂內和環境中落實所學。— 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利Maria Gomori



從 2021 年 7 月開始,這段長達 2 小時的網絡研討會錄音講述了 Haven 最受喜愛的兩位老師 Maria Gomori 和 Jock McKeen 之間的對話。此錄影課程將提供至 2022 年 6 月 18 日,錄音將提供至 2022 年 7 月 18








Program Description

We are re-releasing this engaging dialogue between Maria Gomori, one of the foremost teachers of Satir processes, and Jock McKeen, the co-founder of the Haven. These experienced educators discussed the two approaches they represent in an online dialogue.

Virginia Satir (1916~1988) was renowned as one of the first and foremost influential family therapists in the world; but she was much more than that. She and the two founders of The Haven, Dr. Bennet Wong (1930~2013) and Dr. Jock McKeen, began their friendship in the 1970’s, introduced by their mutual friend Maria Gomori.

Dr. Satir once said: “Maybe I had so much success with people, not because of what I know but because of who I am.” The Satir approach emphasizes “self-validation,” in the context of family dynamics; Haven’s holistic view focuses on self-awareness and relational growth, blending Eastern and Western concepts. Although the two approaches have different emphases in some ways, they complement each other well.

Maria met Ben and Jock in 1974. She started out as their student, eager to learn their novel approaches. Since then the three became lifetime colleagues and best friends. Maria Gomori is one of the world’s foremost living proponents of the Satir Approach. In May 2021, she celebrated her 101st birthday online with Jock and her Haven friends.


The Haven & Satir Approaches


“We connect based on our sameness and we learn from our differentness.” – Virginia Satir


Although there are some differences between the Satir and the Haven approaches, the underlying principles are very similar, sometimes described with different language. Both approaches invite us to investigate more deeply the puzzle of “who I am.” For both, there are many entry points and dimensions to this journey into the unknown. Please join us to witness these two long-time collaborators and friends as they share their unique mastery of their life-long study and practice.


“The Haven that Ben and Jock created is a unique school of life, a special place where people could learn about themselves and their life and relationships. The experiential residential programs they developed for Haven are remarkable learning opportunities that help people to understand themselves in deep and meaningful ways. Like Virginia Satir, they did not just teach from theory; they taught from what they lived.” – Maria Gomori


“Haven is a special place, a home, a context, a container with nature and beauty, where people can live the learnings both in the classroom and the environment.” – Maria Gomori



This 2-hour webinar recording features Great conversation between two of the Haven’s most beloved teachers Maria Gomori and Jock McKeen. Purchase will be available until June 18th, 2022 and the recording will be accessible until July 18th, 2022.

About the Leaders

瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori

MSW, RMFT, Dip.C 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利與維琴尼亞‧薩提爾一起學習和工作了20多年,自1981年以來一直是薩提爾全球網路Satir Network的主要導師。她在海文學院任教數十年,帶領《自我和家庭重建之旅》,最近她還線上指導《薩提爾進階課程》。海文出版了許多她的書,包括她的自傳《愛與自由》(繁體版)《自由的激情》(簡體版)。您可以在維基百科 ( 上閱讀更多關於瑪莉亞的生活和專業相關的信息。 Maria Gomori studied and worked with Virginia Satir for over 20 years and has been a main teacher in the Satir Network since 1981. She has taught at The Haven for decades, leading Journey to Self and more recently coaching Advanced Satir online. The Haven has published a […]

Learn more about 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori

麥基卓 Jock McKeen 

MD, LicAc (UK), DLitt 海文學院的聯合創始人兼該學院的榮譽教授,基卓也是一位多才多藝的主持人和作家。他最初是一名急診醫生,後來在英國牛津的中國針灸學院學習針灸。與黃煥祥共同建立了互補的醫療方法之後,他們合作創立了海文學院。他們開發了海文的核心課程,撰寫了大量的書籍,並四處旅行到許多國家分享他們的理念與經驗。煥祥和基卓多年來經常在亞洲任教,將他們的海文經驗帶給說中文的朋友們。您可以在專門介紹基卓及其畢生工作的維基百科頁面上 ( 閱讀有關基卓更多的信息。 Jock McKeen, co-founder and Faculty Emeritus of The Haven, is an accomplished presenter and author. Starting out as an emergency physician, he studied acupuncture at the College of Chinese Acupuncture, Oxford, England. After establishing a complementary medical practice in association with Bennet Wong, they collaborated in the development […]

Learn more about 麥基卓 Jock McKeen 

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