ONSITE: Getting Unstuck: The Alchemy of Humour
With Carole Ames
September 15 - 18, 2022
Humour, laughter and play. These are some of the earliest forms of self-expression seen in children.
They are strong indicators of the innate human ability to process, express and connect. Adults have often forgotten, or never learned, the ease, effectiveness and pleasure of humour. Additionally, humour is an amazing path to acknowledging and releasing the places in our lives where we get stuck.
Alchemy /’al-ki-mi/ Power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way.
Getting Unstuck: The Alchemy of Humour is for you if you are:
- Feeling stuck in patterns, behaviours, insights, or mood;
- Interested in shifting your energy, mood and perspective in simple, profound ways;
- Curious about exploring your emotional landscape, including what humour can mask, and reveal;
- Willing to explore the physical, psychological and relational impact of humour;
- Looking for new ways to express passion and access creativity
- Seeking ways to enliven your relationships and expand your ways of connecting
This is a full-on experiential program which can be both fun and challenging. There are creative opportunities for the group to investigate, explore and instigate humour. There is a challenge to identify and explore ways in which each of us “gets stuck”. And with the group’s support each person is invited to tackle a “stuck place”, potentially shifting our experience in the world.
Be prepared to let go, and leave room to be surprised. There will be tears, there will be laughter, and there will be a shared experience of humanity in its richness.
How do we break the trajectory of our lives and do something new?
Sam Keen
At the height of laughter the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of possibilities.
Jean Houston
What past participants say:
“This terrific course…gave me a new, unexpected tool for dissipating my anxiety and grounding myself. Thank you so much.”
Patricia Henderson – Counsellor & Social Worker
“Carole uses humour as an approach to personal growth and exploration, which provides an excellent tunnel to view your emotional landscape. As a result, participants experience a fast and easy connection with each other through humour. Using humour as the jumping off point creates a comfortable padding to start exploring the deeper emotions or current issues/circumstances that you may avoid in your day to day life.”
Leslie Sanderson – Haven Intern
Our Earlybird tuition price of $720 is available specifically for this session to those registered and paid in full one month prior to the program start. Full tuition is $780.
We are offering private and shared room options.
You can find our cancellation policy here
Your program begins with dinner at 6pm and your first session at 7:30pm
Daily schedule:
- Breakfast 8:00 – 9:00am
- Morning session 9:15am to noon
- Lunch noon to 1:00pm
- Afternoon session 3:00 – 6:00pm
- Dinner 6:00 – 7:00pm
- Evening session 7:30 – 9:30pm
Afternoon and evening sessions can vary. Your program finishes with lunch on the last day
If you are travelling to Gabriola as a foot passenger on the Gabriola Ferry a shuttle to The Haven can be requested. Information on this option will be included in your pre-arrival email.
Covid 19 Protocols and Mask Mandates:
The Haven is currently following the BC Provincial health guidelines which means that proof of vaccination is no longer required to register for this program. Masks will no longer be required to be worn inside session rooms, while those who wish to continue wearing masks may do so.
Participants are required to self-monitor for symptoms of illness, and are asked to isolate from others when showing symptoms.
Review our current Communicable Disease Safety Protocols to keep us all healthy on property.
Admission requirements: The student must have the desire and ability to learn. Must demonstrate a capacity for responsible self care, responsible self organization and sound mental health. The student must understand and speak English.
This program does not require approval by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. As such, the registrar did not review this program. What does this mean? Click here to learn more.
About the Leader

Carole Ames
Carole Ames BES, DipC, RTC supports people, couples and groups in meaningful reflection, creative exploration, and effective integration. Her communication skills, humour and insight have been key in her career as a professional planner, trainer, facilitator, mentor and counsellor. Associated with The Haven since 1990, she leads programs including Come Alive, Living Alive Self-Awareness and […]
Learn more about Carole AmesCategories : Featured, Haven Faculty, In-Person