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WEBINAR: 東西方的智慧與連結 East-West Wisdom & Connection

With 麥基卓 Jock McKeen , 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee , 凱西 Cathy McNally  and 馮錚 Sean Feng 

January 29 - 30, 2021

Date and Time Details: 這是一個線上3小時的課程,依照您所在的地理位置這個課程將會在1月29號或1月30號舉行
Depending on where you are in the world, this 3-hour online program will take place on January 29th OR January 30th.
Pacific Time: Friday, January 29th – 5-8pm PT
China Standard Time: Saturday, January 30th - 9am-12pm CST

  • CAD $99.00 – 課程費用 Program Price

NOTE: We have received feedback that some payments cannot be made using an iPhone.   If this happens please accept our apology and please try again using a desktop computer.   We are in the process of solving this issue.   Thank you for your patience!

我們收到一些客戶的回饋,得知在蘋果的 iPhone 手機上無法順利進行付款。假使您也遇到同樣狀況,我們深感抱歉,麻煩您再試試改用桌上型電腦進行付款。我們已經在處理這個問題,謝謝您的耐心!



This is our very first dual-language program in English and Mandarin! Jock and Cathy will speak in English, with live Mandarin translation. 


錄影 Recording


If you’re not able to make the live event, we encourage you to still register! In the days following, we’ll share a link to a recording that will be available to registrants for 10 days.



This program is not only an exciting opportunity for personal growth, but also a meaningful fundraising event. Your program fee will support The Haven’s continued sustainability.  


合作 Partnership:


This webinar is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and Haiwen (China). We are grateful that our friends at Haiwen have generously offered to co-sponsor this event so that we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally.   



We are excited to present one of The Haven Co-Founders, Dr. Jock McKeen, and a senior leader of The Haven’s Core Faculty, Cathy McNally. Wen-Shwu Lee and Sean Feng will be assisting and providing live translation. 


This is a webinar-style offering. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions. We will not be using breakout rooms.



“A Conversation: Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World”

-麥基卓Jock Mckeen、李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee- 


“Opening into Presence and Wisdom” 

凱西Cathy McNally、馮錚Sean Feng- 


課程時間Program Time 


This program is 3 hours online. Depending on where you are in the world, these 3 hours will take place on January 29th OR January 30th!

  • 2021年元月二十九日星期五下午5:00~8:00溫哥華太平洋時間) | Pacific Time – Friday, January 29th: 5-8 pm PT
  • 2021年元月三十日星期六上午9:00~12:00(大中國時間) | China Standard Time – Saturday, January 30th: 9am-12pm CST


課程背景 Program Context:


An Invitation from Haven Co-Founder, Jock McKeen:


This is very difficult time for all of us in the world.  


COVID has been dreadful for all of us, and challenges are on-going.  


Destructions, difficulties, and personal challenges. 


I think and I imagine that all of you are undergoing these kinds of tribulations the same way we are here in North America.  


And I just want to assert that we are one people.  


I feel a connection with the Chinese people.  

我們在海文想念著你們 – 

We miss you at Haven –  


the songs that you sing,  


the sense of group unity that you bring,  


your sense of family,  


your great pleasure in food,  


and your special part of the Haven community.  


And in that talk what I want to address is the issues in this modern time.  


For myself when I am struggling with anything I generally drop on all the ancient wisdom that I studied over the course of my life time.  


In my teaching and my learning with Ben, so much of that was focused on my training on Chinese medicine,  


and then following upon that deeply investigating Chinese philosophy: Lao-tze, Chuang-tze, Confucius, and Yi-Jin, many many things for me, Dao.  


I want to talk about the relevance of these things, the wisdom that was written about, spoken about, and talked about, from the great people in China has been great use to me.  


And I believe it’s something that is the richness for the Chinese people.  


課程形式 Format:  

 線上直播  Zoom


課程費用 Program Price


NOTE: We have received feedback that some payments cannot be made using an iPhone.   If this happens please accept our apology and please try again using a desktop computer.   We are in the process of solving this issue.   Thank you for your patience!

About the Leaders

麥基卓 Jock McKeen 

MD, LicAc (UK), DLitt 海文學院的聯合創始人兼該學院的榮譽教授,基卓也是一位多才多藝的主持人和作家。他最初是一名急診醫生,後來在英國牛津的中國針灸學院學習針灸。與黃煥祥共同建立了互補的醫療方法之後,他們合作創立了海文學院。他們開發了海文的核心課程,撰寫了大量的書籍,並四處旅行到許多國家分享他們的理念與經驗。煥祥和基卓多年來經常在亞洲任教,將他們的海文經驗帶給說中文的朋友們。您可以在專門介紹基卓及其畢生工作的維基百科頁面上 ( 閱讀有關基卓更多的信息。 Jock McKeen, co-founder and Faculty Emeritus of The Haven, is an accomplished presenter and author. Starting out as an emergency physician, he studied acupuncture at the College of Chinese Acupuncture, Oxford, England. After establishing a complementary medical practice in association with Bennet Wong, they collaborated in the development […]

Learn more about 麥基卓 Jock McKeen 

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 

心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士、身心整合夫妻疗愈认证、身体经验创伤疗法认证  CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification   加拿大 The Haven 学院核心导师 加拿大 The Haven 学院前董事 加拿大 The Haven 学院前中国实习生总监   文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位中國人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。   Wen-Shwu Lee CEC, DipC, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification is a dedicated, accomplished, and personable educator who brings a wealth of cross-cultural experiences to her work. With […]

Learn more about 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 

凱西 Cathy McNally 

加拿大The Haven學院資深核心導師及加拿大The Haven學院前總經理   她在多元文化環境中長大,擁有豐富的商業經驗和團隊代領的背景,對人和人之間的不同,以及我們與生俱來的天賦和才華充滿了好奇心。凱西致力於研究和探索人和人之間的連接以及如何相互理解。她招牌式的善良、關愛和幽默感讓她成為一位深受歡迎的導師。凱西於1989年來到加拿大海文學院,她相信“人跟人之間和諧相處”是必須的、緊迫的,可實現的。   Cathy McNally BSc, Dip-C is passionate about people and possibility. Growing up in a mix of cultures, with a background in business and teams, Cathy is curious about the gift of differences, and is committed to connection and understanding. A particular joy is coaching relationships of all kinds. Following a major life change, she is […]

Learn more about 凱西 Cathy McNally 

馮錚 Sean Feng 

中國海文學院聯合創始人及世界全人成長中心聯合會理事  馮錚是中國最早在西方學習個人與職業發展團體輔導與帶領的學者型老師之一。他於上世紀90年代初獲得加拿大The Haven學院全額獎學金,遠赴加拿大The Haven學院學習團體動力學,成為該學院第一個獲得心理諮詢師文憑和團體帶領資格的中國人。之後,馮錚又畢業於加拿大社會綜合類大學第一名 - 加拿大西門佛雷澤大學社會學專業。 在世紀之交,馮老師回到中國,成為中國海文學院聯合創始人之一,自2008年至今,馮老師一直擔任加拿大The Haven學院國際心理諮詢專業班督導。 馮老師在心理學與哲學方面有很深造詣,同時,對人滿懷慈悲與同理之心。在他的課堂上,豐富的體驗活動與深入淺出的認知資訊相得益彰; 在回饋和個案中,馮老師擅長撥開雲霧見本質,同時又以感性為連接樞紐,令學習者經驗到更加整合的收穫。    Sean is one of the pioneer leaders who went to the West to study the personal and professional group counselling. In the 90’s he got full scholarship from The Haven and studied in Canada on Group Dynamics. He honorably, as the first Chinese on this category, achieved his Diploma in Counselling from The Haven. Sean graduated from Simon Fraser University in Canada and got […]

Learn more about 馮錚 Sean Feng 

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